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Watch and learn by webinars and workshop recordings

Inauguration studio

A number of clips are now availble introducing SBDI and showcasing key functionality of tools ands services.

What is SBDI? Watch acting director Fredrik Ronquist explain
SBDI in seven minutes or
explore yourself among these issues:

Inauguration webinars
Inauguration of SBDI
Access SBDI data and tools with R
Access and publish genetic data with SBDI
SBDI access to systematic monitoring data

SBDI in general
SBDI in a nutshell
Overview of SBDI data & tools The SBDI support center SBDI technical architecture

Accessing biodiversity data with R
Demo of SBDI4R package

Genetic data and services
Introduction to genetic data services in SBDI
SBDI workflow for processing metabarcoding data
The Swedish ASV portal Metabarcoding analysis pipeline with DADA2

Data from biological monitoring programs
Marine data for long-term ecological research
Species and habitat data from terrestrial vegetation monitoring
Decades of data from monitoring birds, butterflies and mammals
BioCollect – a tool for systematic biodiversity data

Links and relations with international infrastructures
Darwin Core Hour webinar series. GBIF community webinars.
NEFOM workshop “Back to the roots”.