SLU Artdatabanken has published a new WFS (Web Feature Service) service that allows you to retrieve species observations directly to your own GIS application. You can also use the services to make direct calls in your web browser without going through a GIS application.
WFS is an international standard for accessing data via the Internet, it publishes geographical information in vector format. The WFS service is linked to the Species Observation System API (API) from several different data providers. Data content, the structure of the databases and their purpose may differ, but are transformed into a common format with the least common denominator in our Species Observation System. The new WFS service will replace the current SLW WFS service at SLU Artdatabanken, which we plan to phase out at the turn of the year 2022-23.
Like the current service, the new WFS service cannot handle species observations that have been classified sensitive. For security reasons, sensitive species observations can only be accessed with authorization directly via the API.
Data provided by the Species Observation System API is currently not exactly the same data as available through the SBDI Bioatlas, with the Species Observation System lacking data from some data providers but also providing data from other providers that currently are not available through the SBDI Bioatlas yet. Work is in progress to synchronise data. For
Documentation for the WFS service: