Vikten av biologisk mångfald för alla levande varelser på jorden, inklusive mänskligheten, kan inte överskattas. Utan rik biologisk mångfald och robusta ekosystem hotas vår vatten-…
We are happy to welcome Margret Steinthorsdottir as the new Director of SBDI. Margret is originally from Iceland and moved to Denmark as a teenager.…
We have become accustomed to systems like cap and trade being used to reduce the climate impact of businesses. Now there is a growing interest…
TDR, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases hosted at the World Health Organization, GigaScience Press and GBIF have announced a second…
Illustration of death’s-head hawkmoth (Acherontia atropos), from Illustrations of Linnaean genera of insects (1821) via Biodiversity Heritage Library , no rights reserved under CC0. Bruno…
To assist efforts to fill gaps in primary biodiversity data on freshwater species, GBIF will sponsor the article processing charges—normally €624—for the first sixteen (16)…
Interested to work with marine invasions? LifeWatch ERIC currently offer a scholarship to develop anlaytical methods for early detection and monitoring of marine alien species…
Upgrades to improve computing performance during the summer and early fall. The SBDI team is now upgrading and moving the SBDI platform to a new…
Following a successful recruitment process Margret Steinthorsdottir will be appointed as director of SBDI. The position covers 50% Managing Director of SBDI and 50% working…
The BiCIKL project invites submissions of Expression of Interest (EoI) to the First BiCIKL Open Call for projects. The purpose of the call is to…